Class Action Reform Legislation Passed By CongressApril 1, 2005 The Class Action Fairness Act of 2005 has overcome its last Congressional hurdle and will shortly be sent to the President for his signature. On February 17, 2005, the House took up the Senate's version of the class action reform bill, Senate Bill 5, and passed it by a vote of 279 - 149. Under a previous agreement with Senate leaders, House leadership had promised to fast track the bill if it was received unamended from the Senate. After the Senate fulfilled its part of the agreement, House supporters of class action reform defeated a substitute bill offered by reform opponents and passed Senate Bill 5 without amendments. Relentless lobbying from class action reform advocates and favorable political conditions - strong Republican backing in Congress and from the White House, bipartisan support in both chambers, and cooperation between the House and Senate - formed the right combination during this session to enact reform. |
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