M&C Attorneys Speaking at Hospitality Law ConferenceFebruary 5, 2015 Los Angeles Senior Partner Guy R. Gruppie will be speaking at the Hospitality Law Conference in Houston, TX on Feb. 10, 2015. "People Are Normal Until They Check Into a Hotel Room" will address a wide variety of personal injury and damages claims that have arisen in the hospitality area, related innkeeper tort law trends, and defense and claims strategies. Irvine Senior Partner William D. Naeve will be part of the roundtable, "That Sickening Feeling: Defending Food Borne Illness Claims," at the Hospitality Law Conference in Houston, TX on Feb. 9, 2015. This Roundtable will examine mission critical steps which should be taken once notice of a potential food borne illness claim is received and what defense strategies are available to favorably position these claims as they make their way to trial. For More Information, Contact:
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