Employment Defense: California Lawyers That Companies Turn To FirstJuly 14, 2010 Daily Journal Michael B. Lawler was recently selected as one of Los Angeles Daily Journal's "Top Employment Lawyers." An excerpt from the special section of the publication follows. Michael B. Lawler Year in review: Lawler negotiated several settlements on behalf of employers, including a sexual harassment and constructive termination suit against a Los Angeles County substance abuse services provider, and claims against a Whittier country club involving age discrimination, workers' compensation and alleged failur to accomodate an employee with a disability. He represented a San Bernardino County school in a sexual harassment and retaliation lawsuit in which a school employee claimed she was demoted after she rebuffed sexual advances from a superior. The case settled. Next challenge: Lawler is representing employers in the gaming, golf course and computer software industries in sexual harassment and discrimination suits. He is defending a Mexican bank and an affiliated U.S. company against a lawsuit filed by a former consultant alleging wrongful termination and breach of contract.
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